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16. The Acts of God XVI

Series: The Acts of God
Roydon Frost
Bible Reading: Acts 5: 27-42
Date: 18 February 2024

Acts 5:27-42 describes a trial scene involving Peter and the apostles before the high priest and the council. The charge against them is for preaching in the name of Jesus despite previous orders not to do so. Peter’s response is that they must obey God rather than men. He defends their actions by proclaiming the gospel, emphasizing the resurrection and exaltation of Jesus, and stating that they are witnesses to these events. Despite being beaten and charged not to speak in the name of Jesus, the apostles rejoice for being counted worthy to suffer dishonor for Christ’s name.

In this Sermon, Roydon Frost offers reflections on obedience to God versus obedience to earthly authorities, urging wisdom and discernment in navigating these tensions. He highlights the importance of community and self-awareness in applying this principle effectively.

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