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11. In sovereignty

Series: The Acts of God
Martin Morrison
Bible Reading: Acts 4: 23-31
Date: 26 February 2023

Today, learning from the Book of Acts, Acts 4v23-31 to be precise, we find the followers of Jesus praying in the face of persecution. Jesus promises all his followers that they will face persecution, but this is the first they, the apostles of Christ Jesus, have faced it directly.

Facing persecution because you are carrying your cross, is a blessing. Christians are called to move towards need, not comfort. The greatest need is that people come to know the antidote to sin and death, and that is Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour…

John Piper has written an excellent article on this – “The Unbiblical pursuit of a trouble-free life” Join Pastor Martin as he unpacks the Biblical truths and meaning of Acts 4v23-31 and the good news it preaches in the face of persecution, for us all, today.

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